M.A.R.S. Creature Collective Forum 2019-2020

@Bright City Paris


The 2019 – 2020, M.A.R.S. Creature Collective Forum is an international forum and platform. We welcome musicians, curators, scientists, scholars, computer engineers, visual design technicians and a wide range of disciplinary cultural entrepreneurs and organizers to join us.

For each Forum, a specific topic will be chosen. A laboratory of brainstorming and creative work is open for all to participate.

These public events are scheduled throughout the year, as showcase/shows of M.A.R.S. Creative Collective (CC) Forum 2019 – 2020.

A final M.A.R.S. Collective Project is being planned for 2020 in Paris and Shanghai.  

(Specific dates will be announced in the future.)



Forum 1. 28 – 29 June 2019 @ Bright City Paris 
Topic: Machine Learning and AI in Music and Art


Over the past decade, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have become today’s hottest technology trends. Inventors, engineers and other innovators have worked to create machines that think and behave like humans. Recently, self-driving vehicles, digital assistants, robotic factory workers, and smart cities have proven and demonstrated that intelligent machines are not only possible but a positive reality in our daily lives. For example, today’s Google AI Quantum is raising AI technology to even higher levels.

Over the next decade, we will witness a pronounced shift from partial mistrust of these innovations to total acceptance and even dependence on AI and other advanced technologies.

AI will be increasingly pervasive, transforming industry sectors such as manufacturing, finance, healthcare, transportation, and media and will continue to influence other areas, including music and artistic creations.

Our first M.A.R.S. CC Forum aims to present artistic compositions, performances and media to explore machine learning and AI in relation to music and art.

Current AI music, such as IBM Watson Beat, Google Magenta’s NSynth Super, AIVA and Amper Music, are changing the way music is conceived and created. Recently, an AI-produced artwork sold for over $430,000! That raises an interesting question: When AI is shifting our hundreds of years of history creating music and art, are there certain components of how we define particular feelings or personal sensations that cannot be programmed into AI?

Artists and musicians create original compositions, making creative and artistic decisions through subjective emotions, not exclusively logic or calculated algorithms which machine learning utilizes. Thus, what does it mean when a “futuristic Bach or Da Vinciare creative robots? How do we come to terms with the creative processes and outcomes vis á vis AI?


Forum 2. 4 – 5 October 2019 @ Bright City Paris
Topic: Room Design: Quantum Mechanics in Music and Arts